Thursday, November 30, 2006

Drugs Are Bad

This is why I don't sniff or smoke cocaine. I would be better off hanging out at the gas station huffing fumes and it's much cheaper. For cocaine I would be paying about 800 dollars for one kilo. (and that's wholesale) For gasoline I pay 2-3 dollars a gallon. You do the math.

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Isreali Map Shows West Bank Posts On Arab Land

A potential source of embarrassment for Isreal as they have said that they only take land there legally or for security reasons temporarily. The claims come from a 2004 database of the Civil Administration. The data was given to Peace Now by someone who obtained it from an official inside the Civil Administration. The goal was to expose perceived wide scale violations of private Palestinian property rights by the government and settlers. According to people within the Civil Administration there have been investigations in process for 3 years regarding land ownership and many Palestinians have sold land to Isrealis but would not admit the sales publicly due to fear of retribution.

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Lesbian Couple Married in Massachusetts Files For Divorce In Rhode Island

Lesbian couple files for divorce in Rhode Island creating a confusing situation for the court system there. If they decide it is in their jurisdiction will they be recognizing the marriage? This is the conundrum in the Rhode Island court system. Massachusetts became the only state to allow same sex marriages when the supreme court ruled it was unconstitutional to ban it. The risk for Rhode Island is that if they decide to try the case in their state they are basically recognizing same sex marriage in their state.

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Six Muslim Imams Removed from U.S. Airliner

Six Muslim imams removed from U.S. airliner Six Muslim imams were removed from a US Airways flight at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Monday and questioned by police for several hours before being released, a leader of the group said.

I got an email from TBLJ about this and decided to comment on it. Once again someone has been removed from a plan for praying. First it's the Jews and then it's the Muslims. All because either people can't handle religion or people can't handle non-christian religion. Depending on which way you look at it you could argue that this is what happens when we remove prayer from schools or you could argue that this is what happens when ignorant people who have only been exposed to Christian style prayer are allowed to work for the airline industry or to fly. I say the only way to find out which is true is to get a bunch of open minded Christians to pray visibly on a plane and then get someone to complain of it who is on the same plane. If they remove the Christian from the plane then maybe it's a matter of this is what happens when you remove prayer from schools but I would venture to guess that the Christian would be permitted to stay on the plane which would fit with the second theory of Ignorant Christians Gone Wild.

Any volunteers out there willing to test the theory?

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It's Time To Check Out Fuzzy Family Central

Coming Soon To A Blog Near You!!

New announcement!! I am starting another blog soon. I have decided it would be best to make separate sites for the average crap I say and the pet sitting crap. So look forward to a new blog just for the fuzzy family.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Christian Conservatives Attempt Boycott of Wal-Mart

Christian conservatives tried to boycott Wal-mart over thier membership with the Gay Chamber of Commerce and their donating to Gay organizations. Wal-mart made these choices to boost their image as it relates to fairness and equality in the workplace not because it supports gay marraige, but somehow Christian conservatives have twisted it to make it seem that way. This is just one more attempt by Christian conservatives to twist things to look a certain way because they cannot accept that any gay organization would get any thing from any body. One day I hope we win the war on terror and conquer those who would choose to oppress others in exchange for equality. I'm sure Wal-mart had no fear from the boycott however as they would not lose too much business unless there was a call for rednecks to boycott. Any way Wal-mart made a statement to clarify to the numbskulls what they did and didn't support and that seemed to pacify the confused oppressors into submission and prevent the boycott on the two most busy shopping days of the year.

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Get Your Kleenex Out For This One

Check out this video of a father and his disabled son as they compete together in a triathlon. This dad really loves his kid.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dude Who Plays Kramer Makes Loads of Racist Statements

The guy who plays Kramer on the hit TV series Seinfeld was caught on a cell phone video making all sorts of racist comments. He apparently felt as if he was being heckled by some black people in the crowd. Other people in the crowd and back stage felt more as if it was just black people talking to each other during the performance which offended him. Either way the guy busted out with all sorts of crap spewing from his mouth. People began getting up and leaving and the workers at the Laugh Factory had to get up on stage to calm the situation. Later Kramer was asked by Jerry Seinfeld to make an apology on the David Letterman Show since Jerry was already scheduled to be on. You could tell that Jerry was a bit uncomfortable and so was Richards (Kramer). One thing I can say for the guy is that he admitted he did it and that he has anger issues and blah, blah, blah. I think that is better than him trying to say he was drunk and making excuses like all the other dumbasses in the public eye. Either way I say a drunk/angry man's words are a sober man's thoughts so who cares what the reason is you're an idiot. The guy needs help but who doesn't the fact is that he said what a bunch of bigoted white people wish they could say every day and he just happened to be a famous guy who got caught. I am very happy with the whole video on your cell phone though. It makes for great posts from You Tube and it helps catch all the bad cops and the like.

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Dutch Are Backing a Burqa Ban

Once again the Dutch are making stupid decisions. Wasn't it the Dutch that apologized a few years back for something they did wrong as it relates to oppression. I never can keep track of all the dumb crackers who buy, trade and steal Africans and others of color and take them to the Carribean or the U.S. to make them into slaves and then apologize for it years later to boost their tourism. I had an African American ex with a Dutch last name that she got from her white father. I used to listen to her tell her daughter we're not peasants we're Dutch royalty. I get the whole you can do whatever you want and don't let any one stop you lesson and I support being proud of the people who raised you healthily(if it can be said), but I used to wonder why anyone would associate themselves with something that is not them. Especially when you are associating yourself with someone who needs to apologize for all the oppression each time their economy needs a boost. The main reason they stated for their decision was "burqas disturb public order, citizens and safety." Maybe the Dutch are vastly different than us but I have never seen any one who wears a burqa disturbing public order. Do the Dutch begin running in chaotic crazy stampeding mobs when they see a burqa or something? If that's the case maybe they should pass a law against stampeding idiots. I'm wondering how many citizens are truly disturbed by the only 100 people who actually wear burqas out of like 16 million people. If it is a large amount I would be surprised. I think the "disturbed" ones were the government people who made the decision in the first place. I tell ya I worry about the IQ's of the Dutch and the French for making these types of decisions. I mean if I go by this country's record it would seem the places with the lowest levels of education are the one's making laws and supporting laws that are furthering in-equality. I'm just hoping that when I visit the goofballs over there they look like Amish because if they don't then I think it could be disturbing to public order. I mean who knows what kind of dangerous fashion statement may come into play next. Maybe someone will show their ankles. Oh My!!!

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Washington State Moves to Ban Government Funded Sex Change Operations

WOW!! I don't even know what to say about this story. It came out back in August and I didn't know what to say then. First of all I had no idea that any state funded on any level any sex change surgery. I am amazed that it was ever done in the first place. Secondly, upon my gut reaction I would have to agree that I don't think that any state should fund any surgery that is not required in order for them to survive on a physical level. Let me know what you think about the whole Washington State Sex Op situation.

Rocky and Buddy Checking in

All is great on the fuzzy home front. Rocky is sleeping on one side of my white chair and Buddy on the other. Samson is in a little cubby on the couch that I created when I moved the cushions around. Delila is on the top of the pile of cushions I made and all are sleeping just fine. Buddy is getting feistier with the cats. It's almost as if he's taking up for Rocky now. It's the cutest thing. Any way all is fine accept for the occasional stir of the barking at my goofball neighbors.

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Kitty Care Check in

All the cats in Atlanta are doing just fine as long as I am the one taking care of them. Winnie and Mary Lou are doing great. Nothing special or weird to report there. Tiger Lily and Skye are doing great as well. Goo in the eyes is doing just fine. Both are eating. Tiger Lily is running around like it's nobody's business trying to get me to play so I'm gonna stop and play with her.

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UCLA Student "Shocks" Onlookers at the Campus Library

Has anyone seen the video of the UCLA student getting zapped 5 times with a taser by the police. Apparently the guy didn't have an ID and was at the library. Campus policy is that after 1130pm you must have a valid campus ID in order to be in the library. The guy came in and refused to show ID to the librarian who in turn called the police. When they came he then challenged them and so they pulled out a tazer. He then began screaming at them in order to bring attention to himself and the situation. He told them that he would walk out on his own and asked them not to touch him. As they touched him to get him out of the chair and walking he began to scream more and more and he resisted them by refusing to walk. They told him he had a choice walk or get tased. He chose to get tased all the while he was screaming for attention. They again told him to walk he again refused and they again tased him. After one or two times of being tased I would think it would become difficult to walk. I would think it would become difficult to keep piss and shit inside your body as opposed to outside it. I don't know the technicalities of what it does to the body to be tased so I can only assume. But in my opinion more than 2 or 3 tases in one particular arrest attempt should be the limit. I think these officers were in the right for tasing the guy the first two times but after that they were totally out of line. I also think the kid is exploiting the state of the nation right now and his own race. He was outside the policy and he knew it but instead of leaving when the librarian or the police asked him the first time he decided to exercise whatever privilege he grew up with in his family life (even if it was simply that every time he cried his mommy came running) and challenge them. Little did he know that momma's little boy doesn't always get his way and his immature, emotional and egotistical behavior deserves a couple of extra tases any way. If I was the judge in this case I would rule that the kid get nothing because he acted like a frickin spoiled ungrateful brat, and that the cops in this situation be punished for their actions. They were definitely out of line.
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Friday, November 17, 2006

Kim Coco Iwamoto Becomes Hawaii's Highest Elected Transgendered Official

Congratulations to Kim Coco Iwamoto!!!! This is great the people of Hawaii take care of "their own" regardless of gender or sexual orientation and I think this is great. Too bad the rest of us don't do the same. Unfortunately the rest of the country seems to think that "their own" is one small thing about who "their own" is. In Hawaii it seems their own is simply human. The rest of the country suffers from a lack of unity. Maybe we should all be stranded on a series of Islands forced to make it on our own for years and years until we finally end up recognized for our greatness by some greedy white people and then become a state and end up being one of the most successful tourist/money making spots in our country while still staying true to our culture and beliefs and thanking God that there is a shit load of water separating us from the ignoramous money hungry bastards whose mentality causes them to separate themselves into groups over tiny meaningless crap that doesn't even effect them on a direct level. Maybe if that happened to us we'd stop separating "our own" down to the tiniest of degrees of similarities and in turn causing rifts between every frickin person on earth. I am venturing to guess that Hawaii never motivated a terrorist to take them out. Hawaii is a great example of how things turn out when we give homosexuals and transgendered people equal rights. For example when you compare the violent crime rates of all the states Hawaii always falls within the top 14 or 15. (On a weird tangent they are usually in the top 5 or 6 for car theft which seems weird - I mean where do you hide a stolen car when you're on an island?) They are also in the bottom 20 or 21 for sex offenders each year.

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The Buddy and Rocky Challenge

Today I am watching TBLJ's dogs Buddy and Rocky. It's a crazy situation. My cats Samson and Delila are just about 3 months old which makes them just big enough to think they're tuff and just small enough to be curious about things still. Samson is as curious as he can be about both of the dogs and each time they hold still he sneaks up on them to get a good whiff of them. He reaches out and touches Buddy's paw-nose,tail. When Buddy passes by Samson reaches out for him with his nose. The dogs are sniffing the cats and the cats are sniffing the dogs. Poor Rocky the min pin has been getting stalked the entire evening and now he's hiding under Buddy's blanket. He tried to hide in his own little bed and the cats kept sneaking up to sniff his butt because it was sticking out so I had to squirt them and ended up getting a little on him. He and Buddy are already afraid of the squirt bottle because the cats are getting punished with it and they think it is something I would use to punish them too. Now that the cats are more comfortable with the dogs I have to figure out how to get the dogs comfortable with the cats. Samson thinks Buddy's ears are a great toy and keeps trying to flip them and Buddy is doing pretty well at keeping himself calm. It has been 2 and a half hours and things are just now beginning to calm down. The cats are playing and the dogs are laying around nibbling on their chew sticks. We'll see how long it lasts.

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What to do, What to do-Basic Journal Entry Vent

Hello all. I am at my clients house snuggling and playing with the fuzzy ones and now that they are eating I am taking a moment to blog before play time begins. Usually it takes them a while to eat and then they give themselves a bath and walk around a bit before wanting to play so I figure I have time.
Any way I am trying to decide what I should do about my work and I figure it can't hurt to vent about it here. I have worked there about a year now. I was doing one job and doing quite a good job at it and all was fine. I did however get the feeling that the owner did not particularly like me. He did and said a few things to indicate this and each time a problem occurred that required him to get involved it seemed he was holding it against me even though it was usually something out of every one's control or that he himself had caused.
After working at the job I had for nearly six months they decided to give me an additional job along with me still doing the one that I had. This was fine with me because it increased my hours therefore my pay and it had more potential for growth within the company. As I was being trained to do the job I was told by the person training me that it was a bad job to have because the bosses were constantly undermining each other and therefore you and that they were never satisfied and didn't see what issues they caused themselves as they would always find ways to blame it on you. I have now come to find this to be true.
As I worked at this job doing it just as I was trained yet asking for more training and not getting it I found that each boss would come to me and tell me something different to do. With my direct boss being out of town for months at a time it was difficult to determine who I should listen to but it only made sense from my military background that I listen to the highest ranking one of them all. That is what I did. He told me over and again not to do the old job and to only do the new one. Eventually all of the bosses told me that and that I should only complete the tasks of my old job when there was an emergency request. This is what I did.
Eventually because my bosses are the type to want what they want right then regardless of future consequence they were always wanting me to rob Peter to pay Paul. In the end this screwed them as eventually Peter ran out of money and Paul never had any to begin with. Of course they saw that as my issue and when I explained to them what the situation was they accused me of lying and then fired me. I suggested to them that they just demote me instead of firing me and they listened to their egos instead of their brains and screwed themselves once again.
Two or three weeks later they called me back to work because the work in the demotion I requested needed to be completed for an upcoming audit. I thought about it for a day or so and called them agreeing to take the job. I explained to them that I had increased my clients in order to compensate for the loss of the job so I would have to work weird hours around my clients schedules. They agreed and here I am back at work. All went well and then I became sick with a pretty bad cold. I have been out two days now going on 3 and they are becoming irritated because the audit is quickly approaching. This is of course the audit they would already be prepared for had they demoted me instead of hiring me but of course somehow this is my fault. I am sick and even when I am sick I rarely take days off for it. As a matter of fact in the last year I have only had a total of about 4 days off including these day due to sickness. Of course they are the types to twist everything so that it looks like it is all my fault so I can see it is just a matter of time before I am back into the land of the jobless. With all this in mind it is a question as to whether or not I should even go back at all. I know there is money to be made elsewhere and I have no doubt I can find an immediate job to pay the bills though it would be for less money. I know of a night job that I can work for 4 hours nightly and make about 1200 a month so that would pay the bills along with my clients. If I worked that job I could clean out my house within a month and move my girlfriend in with me which would reduce the bills in half and save me money and then spend another month looking for a good day job and still have time to meditate-pray and exercise. It is tempting to leave the stress for less pay and tempting to sell myself out for more pay. In the end it is a choice of what stress would I rather have 1- Stress of assholes at my job micromanaging me and causing things to go wrong and eventually finding a way to blame it all on me and firing me when I least expect it or 2 - Stress of less pay but still having the bills covered and working less hours therefore reducing stress in half the other parts of my life in general. I am leaning toward the less pay option. Just because it reduces stress almost everywhere else but money and money is easy to find if you just work at it. We'll see what my girlfriend says.

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Check in Again

Hello all. Life sucks because I have been stuck home sick with a cold for the last two days. It's great cause I need the rest but it sucks cause I need the money. Hugo and Bea kicked me out last night cause they knew their mom was coming home. Winnie and Mary Lou are skinny and quacky just like always. Tiger Lily and Skye are the same. Tiger Lily was so cute earlier this eve when I was there cause she kept coming to me as if she wanted to be pet but then when I would try to pet her she would run off. It's a little game she likes to play with me. Eventually I figure out that it's a game and I play back with her so she can try to catch a string or something. She has fun with it and so do I. Skye just kinda sits in the living room window watching us both with a look on her face that says that she thinks Tiger Lily and I are a couple of goofball adolescents. We don't care though cause we are at least having fun. Not a bad job for just $14 per visit. Who else gets to snuggle and play with little fuzzy creatures for a living? Lots of people of course but none as good as me. Sorry the ego bounced out for a second there. LOL

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Former New Jersey Gov. McGreevey Details Life as Closeted Gay Man in His New Book

This guy is exploiting his situation by writing a book about it and making money off of it. I hate this kind of crap. People like this guy and Ted Haggard get to have their cake and eat it too while the rest of us are stuck living our lives out of the closet and dealing with the every day crap that the various ignorant people in the world dish out. Part of the problem is that people aren't used to gay people yet. That is because a large part of us have not been out of the closet for years and years into history. Being gay is not as big a deal as everyone tries to make it out to be. Gay people live thier lives the same as straight ones. They go to grade school, high school, college. They love their parents. They try to do good in school and to be good citizens. They have jobs and make money. They go home to families and cook dinner and clean their houses. They pay taxes (some of which only benefit heterosexuals and are never used by homosexuals at all). They love their children and their partners and they strive to stay together for life even when it doesn't work. The problem is that the heterosexuals of the world don't see any of this. They see closeted men who ruin their families like McGreevey and Haggard. They see closeted women who choose to make their millions and come out of the closet after years of pseudo crushes on Tom Cruise like Rosie. If more of these public figures would just be themselves then maybe less of the world would be confused or jaded by their images and the damage they cause by being in the closet.

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Samson and Delila's Big Day

Today Samson and Delila met their first dog in person. They are still pretty small. I think they are probably about 3 months old now. They've never been out of the house accept the day I brought them home in a little box with holes in it. Today TBLJ brought Buddy the dog over to test him and the cats out on how it would go. I'll be taking care of Buddy for the weekend along with his little friend Rocky the min pin who I know will chase the cats through the house. I think Delila will give him a run for his money though. Delila saw Buddy and immediately raised the hair on her back to make herself look scarier. As soon as the initial sight of him calmed down they came closer to him and tried to get a whif of what he smells like. I don't know what they learned about him from the sniff over but power to them. Eventually they got within a foot of him and then Delila sat herself up on her back paws and tried to reach out and touch him but she would pull back like she was scared each time she came close. I don't know what she would have done to him if she had touched him because I couldn't tell whether or not she was trying to play or trying to figure out how to smack him and get away with it. I need to find the squirt bottle so I can protect poor Buddy from Delila.

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Skye and Tiger Lily check in

Hello everyone. Tiger Lily and Skye are hanging with me for a bit this evening. They met me at the top of the stairs and waited patiently for their food. Skye is still a bit nervous about me even though she has much improved over the time I have been taking care of them. When I feed them Skye hangs back until I am no longer near the food bowl before eating. They both come in and weave at my feet at first and then they are off and away to hide from me until I put the bowls down. They both ate all their food and all is well now. I will be leaving in a little while and heading to take care of my own little fuzzies Samson and Delila.

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Hugo and Bea Check in

All is well on the Hugo and Bea front this evening. They have eaten and had their pills and shots and now Hugo is waiting for his last shot of the night. Their mom isn't sure if she will be getting home tonight so I may have to stay an extra night who knows. They are of course snuggly when I tell them. Who knows whether or not they even comprehend human. I know I comprehend kitty speak which actually makes me wonder about my self. Today Hugo and I layed around and took naps together since I have a pretty bad cold. When you're sick it sure is great to be taking care of cats instead of dogs. They just want to lay around with you as opposed to playing or going for a walk or a trip to the park.

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Winnie and Mary Lou check in

Hello to all who care what I am doing with the kitty world these days. I am taking care of multiple sets of fuzzy creatures. Winnie and Mary Lou are an old couple of kitties. Winnie is black and white and skinnier than ever. She loves it when I pet her and talk to her at the same time. I will pet her for long periods of time and the entire way through it she's howling and yowling with happiness. Mary lou is grey and white and she is geriatric. She has kidney issues, blood pressure issues, gingivitis, frequent UTI's and the list goes on and on. She sounds more like a duck when she meows at me. When I'm on the phone with people and they hear her they are convinced that there is a baby in the background. Any way all is well with Loodle doodle and skinny winnie.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hugo and Bea Check in

I have been busy with Hugo and Bea this week. They are great to hang out with. Hugo gets his insulin shot 2x daily and then he's good to go for the rest of the time. He is great when I give him his shots I bring him to the bed with me and we lay down for a nice snuggly nap. Tonight though we were laying in the bed just chilling when we heard all sorts of rustling from the other room. Hugo thought it was an intruder but I swear I was calm the whole time. LOL When I walked to the back of the house to check it out it was Bea digging around in a bag that was in the bathroom. that little scoundrel almost made Hugo and I pee the bed. It's a good thing that didn't happen since I have the computer with me. I'd hate to fry and have Bea's mom come home to a pilfered bag in the bathroom and a fried fuzzlover on the bed. Anyway all is good here on the fuzzlover homefront. Wish me luck at my own house tomorrow as it will be samson and delila's first encounter with a dog. We'll see how they end up doing.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

You Have to Check Out This Shopping Penguin

This is the cutest thing in the world. It came from animal planet. It's a video about a penguin that got rescued by a japanese family. They found him caught in a fishing line and rescued him. When he was brought back to health he refused to leave the family. They made him a room that is refridgerated year round and he loves it. He even goes shopping every day to get fish for his family wearing a penguin back pack.

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Test Post KIWI


Check out this video. I thought it was a great lesson in how we should always work toward our dreams no matter how unrealistic it is even if it means that our dreams are our last big accomplishment. I bet this little kiwi's friends told him he'd never fly. Tell me whether or not you were able to veiw the video. I switched from blogger to blogger beta and it pretty much sucks as far as videos from You Tube are concerned.

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Hangin' With Skye and Tiger Lily Today

Hello all of you who care about whatever pet I'm sitting for. I am hanging with Sky and Tiger Lily today. This is my last out of 4 visits with the little scoudrels. I love them. Sky just comes and sits in the living room with me and takes turns staring out the window and then at me. I've only had my hands on Sky 2 or 3 times. I get a couple of good pets in and Sky is off and running. Tiger Lily is another story. I get to hold Tiger Lily in my lap. Of course this is only because I have to put ointment in her eyes. She squints at me and jumps off as soon as the whole thing is over. The rest of the time we play bat the hand as I dangle my hand under the chair that I sit in while I'm here. I always put the mail beside the stairs near the intake vent for the heat/air system so that their mommie can find it when she gets home. And the rest is just hangin with the fuzz butts. This is my life mostly. Hangin out with little fuzzy butted cats and dogs. It helps me to get my daily rationings of snuggles. Of course no one I've ever dated is as snuggly as I am so the petsitting compensates for the lack and it all works out fine in the end because my relationships usually compensate for the conversation lack with the furry ones. Isn't life grand!!

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

New York City to Ease ID Changes for Transgender Residents

New York City is thinking of changing the way they go about birth certificate changes for transgender residents. The city currently allows birth certificate changes but only to omit the gender for those with proof of having had the surgery. Now they are going to actually change the gender on the licence. The city currently does a dozen or so changes each year. The reason they are considering changing the actual gender is because of the increased security since 9/11 as well as harrassment from police etc. and job security. The issue is one of safety for the people who are transgender. I think it is too bad that any one at all has to fear from their safety from the authorities whose job it is to protect us, but unfortunately that is not the case. In this country you are free as long as you are within whatever the Prez thinks is right. After that you could be put in custody without cause, you may have an FBI file, you can beat a guy on video and get away with it as long as you're a police officer. The list goes on and in the end you really aren't as safe as you think you are. I wish I could change my gender on my ID so that I could get a pay increase. (Just Joking!! - But not about the pay increase)

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Quiz Results of How Much of a Bitch I Am

Ok I'm gonna have to kick the ass of who ever it was that authored this test. Just joking! I was testing you to see if you really think I'm bitchy.

You are 86% Bittch!

Wow! Your nothing but a big bad Bittch! How cruel can you be? Bittch!! Wonder what your mommy did to you growing up! She must not of shown you enough loving! Your a nothing but a total Bittch! There is not one decent bone in your body!

How much of a B*tch Are you?
Create MySpace Quizzes

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Houston Company "Sets the Landscape" for Bigotry

A Houston landscaping company refuses to accept business from a lesbian couple. The Houston couple was accepting bids from multiple landscaping companies when they received an email from Garden Guy stating "I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work for homosexuals." After receiving the message they forwarded it to 200 of their friends and a "landslide" occurred. People sent both hate and love messages to the landscaping company. I have to say that if I were the gay couple I would have been thankful for the information. Who wants to be stuck around people who hate you? Small businesses have the option to refuse service to anyone and there is not necessarily anything wrong with that. I am a small business owner myself and I have refused to give service to multiple people for reasons ranging from their house being too messy for me to be able to stand to them being racist. If I want to make less money in order to have more peace of mind that is what I will do. My problem with these people is that they say they have become "accidental crusaders for Christ." People all day long say things about homosexuals without knowing really what the bible says about homosexuality. Of course I have to also say that it is not helpful for the rest of us as homosexuals when these bigots received hate mail threats against their lives and their childrens lives. Those who sent them hate mail which lacked any sort of tact and intelligence just sent home the message that there are idiots in every rung of society. And I agree with an association of professional landscapers having policies against non-discrimination. I feel like if you want to be a member of a particular professional association then you should be required to follow their policies in order to obtain membership with the association in the first place. People should have equal rights no matter who they are and one of those rights is to refuse service to whomever they choose. It's just unfortunate that they have that privilege while people like us have to fight the government for our own rights.

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Which South Park Character Are You?

I thought all this time I was Cartman, but now that I think of it I guess it makes sense that since I like Cartman so much I would be his friend as opposed to being him. I'm just glad I'm not Kenny cause I'm not ready to die yet.

Which south Park Character Are You?
Your Result: Kyle

You are an average person who is usually nice but very self-defensive. You have at least one good friend and people like to be around you. You are very fearful and obedient of your parents.

Which south Park Character Are You?

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Which FRIEND Are You?

I was hoping that I would be Joey. "How You Doin'?" But I somehow knew that I was Monica. I would have thought that my Chandler rating would be higher than that though.

What F.R.I.E.N.D.S. friend are you?
Your Result: Monica Geller-Bing

You are so like Monica! Very helpful, but probably a little bit too picky about the little things. The best friend/partner for you would be your exact opposite!

Ross Geller
Rachel Green
Pheobe Buffet
Chandler Bing
Joey Tribiani
What F.R.I.E.N.D.S. friend are you?

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Who Says I'm Paranoid?

I think this whole damn test is rigged. They probably knew it was me. They track the computers somehow I think. As a matter of fact I think that there is a camera somewhere on my laptop that allows them to see me taking the test.

What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: Paranoia

You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
Manic Depressive
What mental disorder do you have?

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Who Would Have Ever Guessed?!!?

Holy Cow!!! It's amazing I'm less than 50% Obsessive compulsive. And all this time I was sure that I could be someone's thesis subject for a Ph.d. program in Psychology.

You Are 37% Obsessive-Compulsive!

you're pretty normal really, slightly disorganised but you hold your own, are relatively clean and have a basic routine but nothing to be noted.

How Obsessive-Compulsive are you?

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

What Breed of Dog are You?

Strangely enough I am a German Shephard. Whoda thunk it. I Would have guessed lab but apparently I'm not loyal enough. My cousin Steph would be happy to know that I am trainable.

What Breed Of Dog Are You?!
Your Result: GermanShepherd

You are a GermanShepherd,you are loyal and brave,you stand up for what is right and sometimes tend to get angry over little things but you are a very loyal friend.

Mix breed
What Breed Of Dog Are You?!

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How Oklahoman Are You?

I took this quiz the other day. I suspected as much. I was born and raised in Oklahoma but I couldn't wait to get away so here's the answer. I am apparrently only 56% Okie. I want all my family to take the quiz just in case you are less Okie than you think. Let me know what your results are.

You are 56% Okie'

You are in the Southeast. Your not nearly as refined as we Oklahoman's. Don't fear You and I have a lot in Common, I'm just better then you

How Oklahoman are You
Take More Quizzes

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Doing My Duty to Help My Co-workers Morale

We all know that I am an angry person. We all know that there is a list just in case I have need to go postal. We all know that I wouldn't hesitate to kick someone's ass if they pushed me too far. And we all know that there is no shortage of people who push me. For instance the owner of the company that I work for sent me an email calling me a liar in response to an email I had sent him simply because he didn't like the information in my email. I hate being accused of anything I didn't do it drives me nuts. This asshole called me a liar when I am not one. In fact I tell the truth to the point that it has gotten me fired in the past. He could have called me a bitch, a whiner, a weirdo, a dyke. None of those I could argue with but the guy called me a liar I can argue all day about that. In fact because in my own mind I have argued all day about it I decided to put my co-workers (and myself) at ease by taking this quiz to see whether or not I am on the edge. As you all can see I am fine and no one is in danger quite yet.

You have a 29% chance of going postal!

Good news! You're not very likely to kill your coworkers. You seem very well adjusted. You rock! Talk about those feelings!

How Likely Are You to Go Postal?
Create Your Own Quiz

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Redneck woman

As you all know I am from Oklahoma. As you all also must know there are many many rednecks where I am from. One of my relatives sent this video to me saying it was a medley of video clips from family reunions past. The whole video is for sale to fund the next family reunion. (just joking check out this video full of crazy rednecks)

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Heroes is the Greatest

I love this frickin show. I have no idea why. It is totally comic book. Why in the world would I get into a show that is the real life version of a comic book I don't know. It is all coming together now though I've been a nerd all along. When I think about it I've always loved comic book crap. I loved Superman all of them. I loved all of the Batman's too (some more than others). I totally got into Farscape. On days when there is nothing else on TV to watch I'll turn to Stargate SG-1 before I'll turn the television off. In my dreams I'm always the hero and I always get the girl. Holy cow it's true I'm a comic book geek. Someone help me before it gets out of control. Someone help before I buy tickets to DragonCon. Either that or you're gonna have to help me pick out what costume to wear to the darn thing and go with me so that I don't fall prey to some tribe of blue skinned, blonde haired alien girls and never come back to Earth.

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Company Obligations to the Community

Tell me if you agree. We all know that there are legal obligations that all companies and businesses have to follow regarding the communities that they are located. They have to abide by economic and physical regulations in order to insure that they do not harm or become a burden upon their community. "Companies and businesses bear obligations to the communities that host them as well as their investors. They are not free to act contrary to their communities' economic and physical well being. Do you agree though that they should not be free to act contrary to the psychological and vocational well-being of the people in those communities who work for them. Do you think that companies and businesses should be free to treat the people who work for them in any sort of way as long as they never break the obligations they have to the community as a whole or do you think that companies and businesses should be regulated on how they treat individuals within their company. My opinion is that the businesses in every community should be bound by a particular conduct within the walls of the business. No manager or boss should be permitted to to be abusive or disrespectful toward his/her employees. Unfortunately that is not the case and I have met one too many people who have been subject to yelling, name-calling, unjust firings, harrassment, things being thrown at them, privacy violations and more. Tell me what you think.

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Importance of a 5-Point Harness Carseat

If you are a parent of small children or you know someone who is then this is a video you should definitely watch.

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Freedom - better quality

Check out this video I got off of youtube. I think a lot of you will love it.

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Vent about Ousted Evangelist Ted Haggard

Rev. Ted Haggard confessed to his followers saying he was a deceiver and a liar who had given in to his dark side. This type of guy is why the rest of the world sees gay people as only interested in sex. There is a stereotype of homosexuals being a group of sex crazed party animals with no morals. If people who were actually gay like this "bone smoker" would just live their lives as the person they were then we may not have such an issue. This type of crap is the reason why people can't see gay relationships as just that, a "relationship". Because closeted bone heads like this guy end up creating some sort of huge issue when they are forced out of the closet by someone who has irrefutable evidence of them being an immoral bone smoking drug addict who pays for sex, the rest of us have to pay. The reason this guy fought so hard against gay marriage is because he couldn't imagine someone gay actually being in a relationship as opposed to just bending over for some prostitute massage therapist. In reality we homos actually do have relationships. We save ourselves for marriage (or some version of it), we live together, raise children, pay bills blah-blah-blah just like breeders do. I hope that all of the bone smokin prostitute chasers are forced out of the closet soon so that we can just live our lives and get on with it. I sure do hope I don't have to flip chanels to find his wife crying her mascara off later on this week.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Funny Website

I go to this website when there is a presidential press conference on that interrupts my television watching. Get George back for the interruption of your TV show next time.

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Archie and Cosmo Check in

All is good with the fuzzy family today. They have scarfed down all their food and they have a little bit of dry food left. They will be hungry when their mommy gets home. The litter box has been freshly cleaned and filled today so they will be excited about their clean bathroom. After doing all the kitty cat duties I stole a poptart package out of the refridgerator and played on my computer while watchin Oprah talk about weight loss. I guess the cold weather is making the kitties frisky because Samson and Delila are running crazy over at my house, Hugo and Bea are pretty active and Archie and Cosmo are more frisky than I have seen them in long time. Archie has been singing to me today. Now it is time to snuggle with Archie while he practices for his concert he plans to give his mom when she comes home and watch Dr. Phil.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What do challenges mean?

I wonder if this is true. I was watching someone on TV the other day and he was talking about a decision he had made in his life. He mentioned that when he told his friends they all tried to talk him out of it as if he were crazy. He said at every turn he met challenges from his friends and elsewhere as well. He said it meant that he was supposed to be doing that thing or he wouldn't have met so many challenges along the way. He said that God meant for him to do that thing and the challenges made that fact more clear, and that where he had received no challenges in his life he had come to know that was when he had made a wrong decision and taken the lazy/easy road for some reason or another. I want to know if this is true or is this some sort of hippy religious mumbo jumbo that people say to make themselves feel better about all the bad things which come along in their life. Chime in and let me know what you think.

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Archie and Cosmo check in

The kitties are great today. All is fine and Archie is the most snuggly little guy I've been around in a long time. He is rubbing all over me with his head and when I am busy doing something with my hands he reaches out and grabs them so that I can pet him some more. I've been staying the night with Hugo and Bea since Sunday and all is well over there too. Of course I am tired from Hugo forcing me to stay up all night long watching cable TV and then making me get up early and work for a living.

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I'm done with my dad

So last night I was talking to my dad and I asked him about a little foster kid he used to have at his house after my brother and I had moved out. He told me she was a senior in high school and that she was to use his word "loose" I mentioned to him that where she moved the educational system was one of the lowest in the nation and so his response to that was "yeah she's been getting hit on by the blacks and she's liking it" I had no idea what to say to that. It was as if he thought that her being loose and the educational system being low can be blamed on "the blacks". I am amazed that he is this ignorant and I am amazed that he has the balls to treat me like that and then expect that I am supposed to be a well behaved little daughter. He is determined to input his opinion into my life in attempt to get me to change. He knows that I date black women and so he constantly feels the need to say the worst of things about black people. This is not the first time he has done something like this as a matter of fact he does this every time I talk to him and many times he is much more blunt and direct. I have gotten to the point where I am tired of it. I haven't decided yet but after 13+ years of him saying racist, homophobic things to me without regard to my feelings as if the displeasure of it will make me become the person he thinks I should be I am considering ceasing communication with him all together and just sending him a letter letting him know why. It has become too much drama to speak to him and listen each time to him say things about his dis-satisfaction with my life. It's as if he thinks the world revolves around him and that my entire purpose is to be what he wants me to be. Little does he know I am fine with who I am and I have no desire to change aside from natural maturation. I do not care to be constantly bombarded with what he thinks of my life or what he thinks I should do with it any more than he wants me to let him know what changes he should make in his. That is not either of our places as we are both adults who can take care of making our own decisions. The only time it should be of concern is if one or the other of us physically effects someone else in a negative and non consenting manner. It's not official but I have pretty much decided to cut him off-send him a letter explaining the decision-and let him know that I am only interested in a parent/child relationship with him where he accepts the fact that I am not going to change, that I know how he feels so he doesn't have to keep repeating it and therefore we can have a normal relationship where we simply have conversation about life without the abusive and condescending language. I hope that one day he matures as a parent so that we can both be grown together. A good parent matures in the relationship along with the child but occasionally there is a parent here or there who cannot accept the fact that their children have moved on and started their own life and tries to control their lives to the point of inappropriate interference. I am done with the interference and have come to terms with what will be lost when I end that interference. I am aware that it is all or nothing and I hope that he understands it will be all or nothing for him if he is to make his way back into my life.

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