Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hugo and Bea Check in

I have been busy with Hugo and Bea this week. They are great to hang out with. Hugo gets his insulin shot 2x daily and then he's good to go for the rest of the time. He is great when I give him his shots I bring him to the bed with me and we lay down for a nice snuggly nap. Tonight though we were laying in the bed just chilling when we heard all sorts of rustling from the other room. Hugo thought it was an intruder but I swear I was calm the whole time. LOL When I walked to the back of the house to check it out it was Bea digging around in a bag that was in the bathroom. that little scoundrel almost made Hugo and I pee the bed. It's a good thing that didn't happen since I have the computer with me. I'd hate to fry and have Bea's mom come home to a pilfered bag in the bathroom and a fried fuzzlover on the bed. Anyway all is good here on the fuzzlover homefront. Wish me luck at my own house tomorrow as it will be samson and delila's first encounter with a dog. We'll see how they end up doing.

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