Company Obligations to the Community
Tell me if you agree. We all know that there are legal obligations that all companies and businesses have to follow regarding the communities that they are located. They have to abide by economic and physical regulations in order to insure that they do not harm or become a burden upon their community. "Companies and businesses bear obligations to the communities that host them as well as their investors. They are not free to act contrary to their communities' economic and physical well being. Do you agree though that they should not be free to act contrary to the psychological and vocational well-being of the people in those communities who work for them. Do you think that companies and businesses should be free to treat the people who work for them in any sort of way as long as they never break the obligations they have to the community as a whole or do you think that companies and businesses should be regulated on how they treat individuals within their company. My opinion is that the businesses in every community should be bound by a particular conduct within the walls of the business. No manager or boss should be permitted to to be abusive or disrespectful toward his/her employees. Unfortunately that is not the case and I have met one too many people who have been subject to yelling, name-calling, unjust firings, harrassment, things being thrown at them, privacy violations and more. Tell me what you think.
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