The Dutch Are Backing a Burqa Ban
Once again the Dutch are making stupid decisions. Wasn't it the Dutch that apologized a few years back for something they did wrong as it relates to oppression. I never can keep track of all the dumb crackers who buy, trade and steal Africans and others of color and take them to the Carribean or the U.S. to make them into slaves and then apologize for it years later to boost their tourism. I had an African American ex with a Dutch last name that she got from her white father. I used to listen to her tell her daughter we're not peasants we're Dutch royalty. I get the whole you can do whatever you want and don't let any one stop you lesson and I support being proud of the people who raised you healthily(if it can be said), but I used to wonder why anyone would associate themselves with something that is not them. Especially when you are associating yourself with someone who needs to apologize for all the oppression each time their economy needs a boost. The main reason they stated for their decision was "burqas disturb public order, citizens and safety." Maybe the Dutch are vastly different than us but I have never seen any one who wears a burqa disturbing public order. Do the Dutch begin running in chaotic crazy stampeding mobs when they see a burqa or something? If that's the case maybe they should pass a law against stampeding idiots. I'm wondering how many citizens are truly disturbed by the only 100 people who actually wear burqas out of like 16 million people. If it is a large amount I would be surprised. I think the "disturbed" ones were the government people who made the decision in the first place. I tell ya I worry about the IQ's of the Dutch and the French for making these types of decisions. I mean if I go by this country's record it would seem the places with the lowest levels of education are the one's making laws and supporting laws that are furthering in-equality. I'm just hoping that when I visit the goofballs over there they look like Amish because if they don't then I think it could be disturbing to public order. I mean who knows what kind of dangerous fashion statement may come into play next. Maybe someone will show their ankles. Oh My!!!
Technorati tags:
Dutch, equal rights, General, hypocrits, legal issues, news, oppression, Politics, Religion , Safety
Technorati tags:
Dutch, equal rights, General, hypocrits, legal issues, news, oppression, Politics, Religion , Safety
Labels: Dutch, equal rights, general, hypocrits, legal issues, news, oppression, religion, safety
Hey DUMASS! you posted a fucking comment onthe iranian-got-tased-at-UCLA, how stupid and fucking moron you are!! the punishment of not showing the ID is NOT taser gun! SO if you don't know something don't open your fucking mouth and just simply shut up!
in response to anonymous - 1: you posted your comment to the wrong post; 2: you need to learn english; 3: only an idiot would think tasing is punishment for not showing ID and only an idiot would think that is what I mean to say; 4: if someone refuses to follow the orders of the police and then becomes beligerant toward them the police are well within their rights to tase the person ONCE!! NOT TWICE!! NOT MORE!!! 5: I think the police officers should be punished for the misuse of their power they were lazy and should have dragged the sorry little bastard out instead of tasing him; 6: people need to read a post all the way through and if they cannot comprehend it then they need to read it again before making comments which are the opposite of what the post was about. 7: quit whining and get over it.
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