Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Power of Words

We all as spiritual entrepreneurs are aware that there is power in words. We know that what we put out comes back to us and that concept has a lot more to do with our thoughts, intent and words, than it does with physical acts. Nearly every spiritual belief system has something within its tenets that tells us about the power of our words to change our own worlds, as well as the world of those around us.

I personally discovered the power of words after having experienced a bad relationship breakup that put me into an 8-year cycle of negativity and skepticism where my cup was always perceived as half empty & I was sure to be heard telling everyone else that they were delusional if they thought theirs was half full. One day on FaceBook something prompted me to comment on a post one of my friends had just put up and she told me about a 40 day process she had once done where she focused on only the positive that came from or existed in every situation. She then made sure to use those positive feelings as her motivation throughout her day. At the end of the day she made sure to state how grateful she was for all of those positive things in her day. I was prompted by her description of the experience to do my own 40 day experiment just to see how it turned out (of course skeptical about whether it would make any sort of a difference). That experiment changed my life. The next thing I know, I'm watching spiritual films and seeing the point in an entirely different way, meeting Dr. Masuru Emoto in person and speaking with him about his water experiments and changing the world, loving The Secret Life of Plants and working with Colin Tipping. My life was radically changed by a multitude of experiences that came after that one simple 40 day experiment.

So why does all of this matter? Am I trying to tell you that social media changed my life? In a way... Yes that is exactly what I am saying... social media changed my life, but on a much deeper level than that.


Do you see the difference now? The different choice I chose in my words made a complete difference in the perception.

It changed from a scenario where social media simply changed my life - which produces images of me all alone somewhere tinking around on the internet slowly but surely raising my rankings and little by little becoming the full time social media consultant I am today & blah blah blah blah. Whoopidy doo!

To a scenario where someone like you changed my life on social media - which produces images of someone with a depth of knowing on a spiritual and personal level, who has endured many years of training and learning in their own lives and who cares exactly what happens to every individual in the world because they care about the world - that person YOU sitting behind a computer sending LOVE through their wireless connection and saving my life like an electro-magnetic interference of the heart! WOW! That's all there is to say about that.... WOW - what a difference you can make by being here!

That is exactly what this video below is telling us in its simple way. Change your words, Change your World!! Notice the point of this video and this post. By simply changing your words to elicit a different vibration not only will you change someone's world, but there will begin a flow into theirs and your own life that brings exactly the abundance you believe exists.

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