Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Liverpool Woman Rips Boyfriend's Testicle Off In Anger

A woman at a party with her ex-boyfriend was angry that she was rejected when making sexual advances toward her ex. What pops in her mind to do about it? Not crying, not screaming, not leaving the scene but instead ripping his testicle completely off through his underpants. The force of the jerk ripped his underpants off and left him in excruciating pain before he could even realize what had happened. To top it off she decided to attempt to swallow the testicle after ripping it off the man. She could be a winner in the prison version of Fear Factor I suppose. After she gagged and spit out the testicle a friend grabbed it from her and handed it to the man saying "that's yours". Amazing!!! That is all I have to say. I don't know what the woman is going to do to her "prison butch daddy" when she gets pissed off. Look out prison boobies causes this woman is "gay for the stay".

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Albanians Love Bush and America

Well Surprise, Surprise!!!! There is a country other than the U.S. which loves the U.S. It's kind of amazing really when you think of it. The entire world takes turns being helped by us and being damaged by us to the point that no one really knows when one or the other is happening and the mood is much the same as the actions. Half the time other countries seem to love us and the other half they seem to hate us. Our own people seem to teeter and totter back and forth between love and hate depending on who is in office and other political goings on that may be occurring at any given point in time. In this particular case I wonder if Albanians love America more than Americans do. As stupid as it may seem to support Bush at any time you have to admit it's a bit touching really. I think it's great that somone loves our country so passionately and if I were Bush I would be in love with Albanians after that reception. check out the video.

THE FOLLOWING IS A COPY PASTE OF SOMEONE FROM KOSOVO'S BLOG ENTRY RELATING TO THIS VIDEO: 10th June 2007 A historic date for all Albanians President Bush is given a hero's welcome in Albania. This is the first visit ever of a serving president of USA to visit Albania and will be remembered long time, even though it only lasted eight hours. Albania is the only country where no one has seen any protests against USA or the President. Some even say the Albanians are the most proamerican people on the planet. This is not a hoax. This is a real deal and there is a reason for it. Why Albanians love Americans? Simply because americans are a freedom loving people and they showed this love in practice many times in the history of Albanians (and other small nations) by defending the Albania's right to exist as a state despite the appetite of many world powers and neighboring countries to carve and erase the country from the map. e.g. USA's President Wilson in 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference, was a crucial voice that saved Albania from being ceased as a state. Also in a more recent case, in 1999, it was USA and United Kingdom (leading) that saved kosovar albanians from being extinct by the killing machinery of Serbia. Therefore, the actions of the american people speak very loud about their just intentions towards small nations like Albanians. And remember, Kosovo had no oil worthy of such intervention in 1999! You americans should be proud of your soldiers who risk their own life to bring peace and stability to the world. They need your support! Albania as a state had its ups and downs in relations with USA, but after fall of communism in 1990 (something that America and Bush Senior again helped to get rid off), since then, Albania and albanians are back on track to drive forward a lasting relationship with the american people. We urge the american government to be more involved in Albania and Kosovo, to work closely with Albanians and deter potential involvements of radical islamists who may want to exploit new democracies like ours, by offering the very much needed financial incentives, but with a high price in return. We are aware of this, but we need your help! Albanians are a nation that will long remember your sincere attitude and support in our cause to freedom and democracy. Albanians stand united with Americans in the War on Terror! If you are told different, don't believe them! They are all ill wishers and they'll do anything to convince you otherwise! SUPPORT INDEPENDENCE FOR KOSOVA! TIME IS NOW! p.s. If you are an american and you ever thought that America should not get involved or intervene in hot spots around the world, we Kosovar albanians are a living proof to show you that such intervention are needed to bring order and democracy in the world. If you think that by turning your back to the sufferings of other people will make your life better, you are terribly wrong and that makes you a bad person. Sooner or later, the global instability is going to effect your home. War is never ok, but we come from there and had it not been for America's intervention, there would have been hardly anyone to tell you what really happened in Kosova. p.p.s. Bush dropped his watch, time 00:54! As you may notice in the video, Bush's wristwatch fell off at some point, but it has been confirmed by media (VizionPlus TV) that it was found by the bodyguards who handed it over to Lady Bush later on. And you will see in many other videos Bush wearing his watch again while entering Air Force One during departure as he waives back to us. If he had a spare watch, most likely it would have been inside the airplane, therefore, there is no doubt that Bush got his original watch back and everything was accidental. So, don't worry, be happy, time is still ticking on and everything is in Bush's hands! Kosovo will be Independent soon, think of 4th July 2007 as the day of happening, where we can celebrate together with Americans, The Independence Day. p.p.p.s. Bush's wristwatch! Ok, we admit the wristwatch enigma is very humorous. But, all puzzle pieces are falling into places. Watch closely at 01:00 (03:06 if embedded) in this video, President Bush puts his hands behind his back, while a bodyguard standing very close to him behind, takes off his watch. The watch then has been returned by the bodyguard to Laura and Bush got his watch back by the time he climbed the airplane, where you can see visibly while waiving, he's had his watch back! Puzzle solved but yes we've had a good laugh after all!

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Paris Isn't So Lovely This Time of Year

Paris Hilton was sent back to jail kicking and screaming. The sheriff where she was serving her sentence reported that she is a mentally sick woman and that he released her on medical grounds because she clearly has problems and needs medical attention. I would agree I believe she suffers from a mental problem seen among many Americans especially those with a particular level of privilege. I think it's called "my parents didn't raise me right" Syndrome. It causes multiple bouts of seemingly uncontrollable sexual escapades made public, bad singing, drunken stage shows, travel around the world with small animals in special purses, public displays of stupidity, public airing of one personal life and problems, kicking and screaming fits when one doesn't get what one wants, crying over spilled milk, complete disregard for others and their property, constant attendance of parties one was not invited to, a substantially diminished vocabulary causing one to only say incomplete sentences while chewing gum, and many many other common symptoms. If you come across anyone displaying these symptoms walk away calmly and get out of camera range so that you are not associated with this person, get out your camera phone and prepare for a You Tube worthy show, call your friends and thank them that they are not that person, and finally if your friend is that person or someone like them jettison them out of your life at the earliest moment possible.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Man in Wheelchair Accidentally Hitches An 80 mile per Hour Ride On A Big Rig

A man in Michigan who is in a wheelchair was at a gas station and accidentally got his chair attached to the front end of a Semi-truck. The driver drove away without noticing and reached speeds of up to 80 miles per hour before pulling off to a truck stop when police were called by passing motorists. The man in the wheelchair was held safely in his chair by the seat belt provided on the chair. I don't know what that man's situation is relating to his bladder but if I was him I would have lost mine even if I had originally had control of it.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Green Day "Working Class Hero" Do Something For The People Of Darfur

There should be something done about the crap going on in Darfur. I wish someone could convince the Coca-Cola company to stop buying gum arabic from the Sudanese and get it somewhere else. Them and all the other companies who use products from there which contribute to their government having the money to continue the genocide against the people there.

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Another Dumb-Ass Texan

Gilberto Cantu, a Texas truck driver, has made the bone-head mistake of driving his truck through a tunnel that was too damn short for his truck despite bells-whistles-warning lights-traffic stop lights-police officers ordering him to stop on loud speakers. This guy is definitely a candidate for any upcoming Darwin Awards. What a mess!! The top of his truck was peeled like a sardine can when you open it. Who knows if any of his load was damaged but his truck sure was. Not only did he damage his truck beyond recognition and break cazillions of laws, he also damaged the tunnel forcing it to have to close down. This guy cost all sorts of money for all sorts of people. The taxpayers of the place he messed up will have to pay for that repair, the trucking company he worked for will have to pay hefty fines not to mention replace his truck, and he will likely get fired. Truck drivers every where should be mad that this one made the ranks of dumb butts in the news. Sorry to piss people off by calling Texans dumb asses but it is my duty as an Oklahoman born citizen to insult Texans at every opportunity. Gooooooo SSSooooonnners!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOO....U!!

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Is China Trying To Kill U.S.? Biological Terrorism?

Odd that all the crap that has been causing us healt problems lately has been coming from China. Dogs and cats everywhere dying in mass quantities because of tainted products coming from China. Now other products from China are tainting the U.S. consumers. Now it's toothpaste which was poisoned with something akin to anti-freeze. Check out this New York Times article about the tainted toothpaste. China is blaming Panama for the tainted products, but I figure all are to blame for this one. Whomever uses poison in their products without notifying everyone is definitely liable for something. At the very least people should have a choice of whether or not they want to use poison products. People every day insert botulism into their faces so that they will have a permanently surprised looking face, but at least they know what it is when they do it as weird as they may be for doing it in the first place. Just as Canada and the U.S. are scrambling around trying to stop tainted toothpaste from killing more of their people they intercepted corn gluten from China with more poison in it. What the hell? I'm sorry for taking the offensive leap, but things are looking a little shifty. I mean come on we all know whether we want to admit it over here in America that half the Asians could beat us out in a scholastic meet on any day we choose. We aren't the brightest bulbs when compared with the rest of the planet. Don't try to shoot me full of shit and tell me that the innocent Chinese government didn't know or is somehow stupid enough to think that a little bit of anti-freeze, some plastic products and fertilizer wouldn't make a few people sick and a whole bunch of already sick people dead. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell ya. I think that our government needs to put every inch of every thing coming into the U.S. from China through rigorous testing even if it means we have to pay a bit more for the product. At least if things are tested once a month or something then we won't have as much crap zipping across the borders, and maybe the Chinese will stop trying to kill us. In the mean time people all I have to say is don't eat Chinese made products, and before you dumb rednecks go crazy and extreme please note that I am not saying don't buy products from Chinese Americans or go to Chinese restaurants.

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What Class Are You?

Ok. So the New York Times has a class calculator that you can choose options on in order to find out what class you fall into in 4 different categories. The categories are Occupation - Education - Income - Wealth. Check it out and let me know what class you are in my comments. I am Middle Class in Occupation falling into the 45th percentile of the country - Upper Middle Class in Education falling into the 69th percentile - Lower Middle Class in Income falling into the 38th percentile - Lower Middle Class in Wealth falling into the 37th percentile - My average is in the 47th percentile. I have to say one thing that I am disappointed in as it relates to this little calculator is that my education is Upper Middle Class and the rest of me is well below that. I suppose that shows you just how lazy I really am when it comes down to it. The other frustrating thing is that I am middle class in my occupation but I am getting paid a lower middle class income. What the hell is that about? I would venture to guess it is because I have a lower middle class attitude, a lower middle class confidence level and a bottom 5th class mouth. We'll see whether or not any of that changes now that I'm doing the work I'm doing as it relates to my Remediation of an Angry Fat Ass blog.

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Stop Sanctions Against The Sudanese Regime That Has Killed And Displaced Thousands In Darfur Or You Will Lose Coca-Cola Forever

Scary thought right? To have to choose between having a Coke and a smile or stopping genocide. Hmmmmm. I wonder what we will do? Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, the Sudanese ambassador to Washington, held a press conference and threatened to take away Coca-Cola if we didn't stop the sanctions against his country which were imposed because over 400,000 people have been killed and others displaced and raped and more in a mass genocide against the people of Darfur. The Washington Post did an article highlighting some of the more idiotic things the ambassador said in defense of his country. Among the things the ambassador said was that the U.S. was the only country that said anything bad was happening in his country, that no one is dying in Darfur accept those who are fighting with their own people like cousins against cousins, that he and the other members of his government are the agents of peace, that the retaliation of his government would be to stop the trade of gum arabic to the U.S. which would prevent us from having Coca-Cola among other things, and that he would remove sugar from the people of Darfur which they greatly need in order to survive. There is more and eventually you have to realize that this guy is an idiot. He is the one they sent to represent his people in Washington and he isn't the brightest bulb so I am wondering what the rest of the people in his government must be like. With people like him running things it's no wonder they are killing off people in mass quantities. Dumb people are put into fear easily and fear makes dumb people do dumb things. Just look at our country.

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