Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Albanians Love Bush and America

Well Surprise, Surprise!!!! There is a country other than the U.S. which loves the U.S. It's kind of amazing really when you think of it. The entire world takes turns being helped by us and being damaged by us to the point that no one really knows when one or the other is happening and the mood is much the same as the actions. Half the time other countries seem to love us and the other half they seem to hate us. Our own people seem to teeter and totter back and forth between love and hate depending on who is in office and other political goings on that may be occurring at any given point in time. In this particular case I wonder if Albanians love America more than Americans do. As stupid as it may seem to support Bush at any time you have to admit it's a bit touching really. I think it's great that somone loves our country so passionately and if I were Bush I would be in love with Albanians after that reception. check out the video.

THE FOLLOWING IS A COPY PASTE OF SOMEONE FROM KOSOVO'S BLOG ENTRY RELATING TO THIS VIDEO: 10th June 2007 A historic date for all Albanians President Bush is given a hero's welcome in Albania. This is the first visit ever of a serving president of USA to visit Albania and will be remembered long time, even though it only lasted eight hours. Albania is the only country where no one has seen any protests against USA or the President. Some even say the Albanians are the most proamerican people on the planet. This is not a hoax. This is a real deal and there is a reason for it. Why Albanians love Americans? Simply because americans are a freedom loving people and they showed this love in practice many times in the history of Albanians (and other small nations) by defending the Albania's right to exist as a state despite the appetite of many world powers and neighboring countries to carve and erase the country from the map. e.g. USA's President Wilson in 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference, was a crucial voice that saved Albania from being ceased as a state. Also in a more recent case, in 1999, it was USA and United Kingdom (leading) that saved kosovar albanians from being extinct by the killing machinery of Serbia. Therefore, the actions of the american people speak very loud about their just intentions towards small nations like Albanians. And remember, Kosovo had no oil worthy of such intervention in 1999! You americans should be proud of your soldiers who risk their own life to bring peace and stability to the world. They need your support! Albania as a state had its ups and downs in relations with USA, but after fall of communism in 1990 (something that America and Bush Senior again helped to get rid off), since then, Albania and albanians are back on track to drive forward a lasting relationship with the american people. We urge the american government to be more involved in Albania and Kosovo, to work closely with Albanians and deter potential involvements of radical islamists who may want to exploit new democracies like ours, by offering the very much needed financial incentives, but with a high price in return. We are aware of this, but we need your help! Albanians are a nation that will long remember your sincere attitude and support in our cause to freedom and democracy. Albanians stand united with Americans in the War on Terror! If you are told different, don't believe them! They are all ill wishers and they'll do anything to convince you otherwise! SUPPORT INDEPENDENCE FOR KOSOVA! TIME IS NOW! http://videoshqip.blogspot.com p.s. If you are an american and you ever thought that America should not get involved or intervene in hot spots around the world, we Kosovar albanians are a living proof to show you that such intervention are needed to bring order and democracy in the world. If you think that by turning your back to the sufferings of other people will make your life better, you are terribly wrong and that makes you a bad person. Sooner or later, the global instability is going to effect your home. War is never ok, but we come from there and had it not been for America's intervention, there would have been hardly anyone to tell you what really happened in Kosova. p.p.s. Bush dropped his watch, time 00:54! As you may notice in the video, Bush's wristwatch fell off at some point, but it has been confirmed by media (VizionPlus TV) that it was found by the bodyguards who handed it over to Lady Bush later on. And you will see in many other videos Bush wearing his watch again while entering Air Force One during departure as he waives back to us. If he had a spare watch, most likely it would have been inside the airplane, therefore, there is no doubt that Bush got his original watch back and everything was accidental. So, don't worry, be happy, time is still ticking on and everything is in Bush's hands! Kosovo will be Independent soon, think of 4th July 2007 as the day of happening, where we can celebrate together with Americans, The Independence Day. p.p.p.s. Bush's wristwatch! Ok, we admit the wristwatch enigma is very humorous. But, all puzzle pieces are falling into places. Watch closely at 01:00 (03:06 if embedded) in this video, President Bush puts his hands behind his back, while a bodyguard standing very close to him behind, takes off his watch. The watch then has been returned by the bodyguard to Laura and Bush got his watch back by the time he climbed the airplane, where you can see visibly while waiving, he's had his watch back! Puzzle solved but yes we've had a good laugh after all!

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