Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I hope I'm This Cool When I Get Old

Check out this rock band. They are called The Zimmers Band. It is a band of a bunch of old people singing rock songs. It's great!! The lead singer Alf is 90 and there are others in the band 99 and older. It's kind of fun and cute. Check out the video. And friend them on MySpace when you get a chance. www.myspace.com/thezimmersband

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Andrew Card Boo'd Off Stage at UMass Commencement When Getting His "Honorary" Degree

Andrew Card assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff and to the President was boo'd off stage at the UMASS commencement when the university attempted to award him an honorary degree. Many of the graduates wore "no card" papers pinned to their robes as they walked to their seats. Some had the sign put on the tops of thier hats so the crowd could see them as they sat and listened to the speaches. The crowd began to boo as soon as they started to give the speach about card and many stood up with banners and signs against him. I don't know enough about the guy to say what I think about him and what I don't or what I think about him being boo'd off stage. I do think that if that many of the people attending the commencement (especially the students who actually earned their degrees) disagree with the honorary degree being given then they should wait for another time. After all the graduation ceremony is for the students who earned their degrees and not the rest of us right?

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11 Year Old Boy Kills 1000lb Boar

Wow!! I went to Jamison's website and checked out all the pictures and emails after seeing his story on CNN Headline News. Check out the CNN story about it here. I borrowed the picture above from their story. When I was at Jamison's website dedicated to his big pig there were links to both negative and positive comments. At the time I was on the site there were 85% positive comments. As I looked at the negative comments I thought it's crazy how negative people are. Funny how they go on and on about dumb rednecks in much the same tone as they view dumb rednecks in. I think if they realized that no matter where you live and whether you eat meat or go hunting or if you get your food at the grocery store you still have the ability to be an ignorant dumb ass. Interesting how people think that the best way to get their point of view across to others is through angry comments which lack facts as opposed to intelligent conversation with facts that people can learn from and then make their own decisions. I think all the people in the sites negatives section would only serve to make someone turn out more angry and ignorant.
I have the benefit in looking at the kill from the point of view of two angles as I am a country girl who moved to the city after serving my country in the military.
I am from Oklahoma so I am definitely born and raised a country girl who grew up hunting for my own food in a family who had to go find our Thanksgiving turkey somewhere other than the supermarket. I see the benefit of hunting and know that it is generally done in particular season. I think what the negative commenters don't realize is that hunting is a highly regulated industry. Those in charge of each states Hunting and Game regulations closely monitor numbers of fish and game to make sure that there are not too little or too many in order that a healthy balance of all that the animals need to survive will be present in their lives. We humans are a part of that balance and now that I am living in the city I think it interesting and hypocritical that someone in the city could be mad at anyone killing animals when they are taking away the environment the animals thrive in at alarming rates as they build their McMansions all across America. I can say that growing up in the country where we had to work for our food on a farm or hunting it has made me realize just how lazy the majority of city people are while all along thinking they are working their asses off just because they sit at a desk or in traffic for 60 hours a week. I wish they would try a little taste of how I grew up. People worked the same amount of hours but had to get up before school at 0dark30 in the morning to do it and then into the night after school and still get our homework done keeping our state in the top 10-14 in the nation in education. In the city people hunt each other either in traffic or on the streets and then get in fights with each other at little league games after work. Granted there is murder and mayhem in the country too, but not in the same percentages and even if the statistics show murder in the same percentages in the country vs. city at least in the country you can go into any neighborhood you want without worrying about whether or not it will happen on the street as you walk/drive down it. People in the country know to keep their killing, murder, molestation and raping inside their homes instead of leaving and doing it on the public streets at the very least. It's just commen decency folks, we have to be considerate of our neighbors and not bother them with our problems. Think about it.
The only hunting that I am opposed to falls into about 3 categories: 1- Canned hunts for little pansy weasels who don't have the balls to hunt like real men out in the wild as opposed to on some fenced in range with tame animals; 2- Out of season hunting and/or poaching; 3- Hunts where anyone human or their hunting animals are injured because their dumb ass parents didn't teach them gun/hunting safety and instead they turn out to be the privileged dumb ass Cheney's of the world.
The other side of me lives in the city so I look forward to being able to go to the store and take a bite of whatever piece of Jamison's pig I can snarf upon if and when it is available. I am happy to know that when I travel back home to visit my family for family reunions and holidays that I can sit down at the table and eat a yummy venison burger or have an egg straight out of the chickens butt without having to do all the work the rest of my family has to do to get that food. I live in the city of Atlanta where all I have to worry about is traffic on my way to work and how loud the neighbor who shares my wall at my apartment building is playing his music. (Speaking of ignorant dumb asses) I love that when I go home to visit I can play the vacation card instead of getting up when it is still dark to go out and feed goats or hunt for the Christmas turkey. I just pretend that city life has really worn me down and I'm happy to be at mom or dad's house chillin out and eating whatever free range animal that crosses our path. That tactic usually works at least until the sun comes up.
I send out prayers for Jamison - for him to have good luck in all his future hunts, that he doesn't ever get injured or accidentally injure someone else or his hunting dogs, that he never becomes a pansy weasel at a canned hunt where he corners a not so wild ram in it's own feeding pen and kill it while it shakes in fear and pain, that he is a hunter who is a real man and actually hunts his prey like any other good predator would, that he never gets bored with hunting now that he's had the ultimate kill and everything else will be small potatoes, and that he never forgets that everyone in our country deserves equal rights even the dumb ass idiots who sent him their negative comments after all that is why I fought in the military was so those idiots would have a voice without taking away someone else's.
And finally one last prayer for myself as it relates to Jamison the pig killer. - I pray that he sends me a giant box of deer jerky next time he bags a big buck. I'm starving in the big city of Atlanta over here.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

$55,000 Per Speech Speaker For Hire

What in the world is happening when any person at all can command a fee for a speech that is more than a hell of a lot of people make in an entire year? John Edwards spoke to UC Davis students about poverty for $55k. He yaps about financial barriers for college students and then ups the next years salary for them by charging a crap load of money to talk to them about how messed up the world is for it's problems. What an idiot. Why even speak on poverty if you are gonna charge that much to do it? Choose a different topic or charge a different price. I'm all for people making money but geez! $200 or $400 haircuts or whatever it is and now this. No way would I vote for this guy. At the very least he would spend too much of the taxpayers money on pointless crap he could have saved money on.

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Death of The Vegans

I'm assuming you have all heard the story that has been on the news lately about the two Vegan parents who had a new baby and ended up killing it via veganism. Just in case you haven't here is an article on the subject. The baby died at 6 weeks old and 3 and 1/2 pounds. My cat weighs more than that. Children are born at an average probably around 6 pounds so I would think someone would have figured out the kid wasn't doing well. Feeding the kid a bunch of things to make you crap and piss isn't going to help matters much I don't suppose either. Where in the hell do people find their logic? Idiots like these people read one little article or a book or two on veganism and nutrition and think they are experts. Humans have to have a balanced diet with proteins, veggies and all sorts of nutrients and hydration. There is a lot more to it than eating nothing with animal products in it, but of course people like this who are attached to fad and status dieting wouldn't be thinking of the fact that their body needs to get particular nutrients in a balanced manner to survive. The sad thing is that this is the 3rd conviction similar to this in the last 4 years.

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Another Hitchens Video

This time he is battling Hannity. Hannity drives me nuts. He has various good points to make here and there but the problem with him is that he is not willing to listen to other people's points of view and learn from them. The thing that amazes me about this issue is that people are mad because there are those who tell the truth about Falwell and they ask for someone to respect them in their death by saying nothing negative about the guy even though he is a negative individual. The same people that say this are the ones who said all sorts of negative crap about Saddam when he was killed.

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Christopher Hitchins Tells the Truth About Falwell

I don't know who this guy Christopher Hitchens is but he has a book out called "God is Not Great" and is on CNN talking about Jerry Falwell in this video clip. I have to agree with all that he says. He's not being an ass and wishing the guy dead or praising the fact that he is dead, but he's not giving the guy all sorts of credit for being a great guy when he wasn't. Falwell had a twisted view of the bible and propagandized the gullible nation. He and anyone else for that matter should only get credit if they do their job accurately and with quality. It seems that religion and politics are the only places we can get away with that crap. Any who...... here's the video.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Art of Money Making With a Song in Your Heart and a Blog on the Web

Check out this article. It's about a "shaggy" looking 36 year old computer programmer who somehow convinced his wife to bless the idea of him quitting his job and becoming a full time singer and song-writer. Not an easy feat for her when you consider bills, the economy and the price of fuel. He made a rule for himself that he would write and record a song each week and then post it to his blog. He stuck to his goal through all the writer's block and difficulty. He had always had a dream of being a full-time musician and figured this huge challenge would be the way to do it. Those of you who are thinking "big deal" so the guy is a full time musician consider the fact that in order to be a full time anything you have to spend all of your time doing it. This means you can't spend any of your time with some other job which makes you any sort of money or compensation. Not because it's against the rules but simply because there isn't any time. So has he become successful? Who knows? I guess that would be based on what your definition of success is. He has however made a "reasonable middle class living" at it. He pulls in between $3000 and $5000 with the CD's and digital downloads of his music on iTunes. I don't know how that compares to being an average computer programmer but I do know how it compares to what I make. I make between $1500 and $3000 a month doing what I do and only parts of it are fun and none of it is what I have ever dreamed of doing. To me if you can make the minimum it takes you to just live while doing something you've dreamed of doing most of your life then you are successful. I plan to move to LA one day and become an actress or singer. Does that mean I will be famous and have paparazzi chasing me around on the streets? Likely no. It does mean however that little children all over the country will recognize my voice when I speak because I'm the voice of their favorite cartoon character. As long as I make between $3000 and $5000 a month then I'll be happy. So kudos to this guy (Jonathan Coulton) for doing his thing and more kudos for getting published in the New York Times and being the 3rd most linked article on blogs for just today. This means that he has in one day increased his blog traffic from more than 3,000 people daily on average to who knows how many. I have to say I'm a bit jealous that I haven't spent some of the money I blow on eating out every day on some recording equipment and a few guitar lessons. I had the voice lessons in middle school.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Interesting Statistics on Internet Porn

Here are some interesting statistics on Internet Porn which will give you some insight on our country. A couple of things that are funny when I think about it after watching this video. First of all the U.S. Produces 89% of the porn on the internet yet everyday people are protesting "adult toy stores" and strip clubs etc. Interesting that 70% of the porn viewed every day is viewed during the 9-5 workday. Ladies that tells you what your husbands are getting accomplished at work, and you know it's the husbands because only 28% of internet porn viewers are female. Not only that but people in congress bring up different fights against particular parts of the porn industry while they are at work and yet the U.S. Revenue made from Internet porn alone is $2.84 billion yearly. Check out the video the statistics are presented in an interesting way. However, do not view it with minors around you until you have viewed it first for their approval. There is no nudity in the video but the idea of nudity is clear which only serves to assist a little hormonal teenager's mind.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

This is What Drunk People Do To Their Families

Check out this video of David Hasselhoff so frickin' drunk that he can barely eat. He must have gotten so drunk that he passed out on the floor of his house where his assistant had to feed him cheese burgers from Wendy's while his teenaged daughter begs him to quit being a drunk slob.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

I Want One Of These!!!!

Check out this cool thing! It's in Spain. It's a giant system that absorbs solar power on a grand scale and it will eventually be able to provide power for 600,000 people in Seville, Spain. It looks all kinda funky and bright like it's omitting crazy power. It's almost spiritual looking. I can see people in future archealogical expiditions trying to call it a spiritual instrument. Check it out.

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Have You Ever Seen A 67 Million Dollar Pair of Pants?

A lawyer in Washington, D.C. has filed a lawsuit against a dry cleaners for a lost pair of trousers. Apparently the pants were his favorite and had sentimental value. He is suing for the pain and suffering of not being able to wear his favorite suit on his first day at work as a judge on the bench. I'm thinking the guy may be soon to see his last day as a judge on the bench. This is how idiots are weeded out. For example, Fred Phelps the idiot lawyer from Kansas who had some crazy lawsuit against a court clerk ended up making a stupid mistake and perjuring himself because he was so attached to his case. I would hate to have this guy as a judge in any case I need to have heard. He has basically sealed his political fate on this one as well. Many attorneys and judges have aspirations of becoming political officials ranging from Senators up to President or Supreme Court Justice. This guy has definitely made it easy for any one who may oppose his election to any position. Part of his lawsuit is for pain and suffering, part is for 10 years worth of the drive to another cleaners further from his home. The cleaners is taking donations toward their defense because there have been so many people call their attorney wanting to help.

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