Saturday, April 02, 2011

Do You Have Presence?

Establishing an online social media presence involves much more than simply being a warm body or a signpost where your ideas are presented to the world. Granted being physically present is, of course, the first step, but what comes after that?

Working directly with successful spiritual entrepreneurs on their social media campaigns for some time, has enabled me to come to an understanding that being present is much more than just simply existing. Being present is existing in a way that allows our most divine self to literally be a precious gift to others. Spiritual Entrepreneurs don't simply exist - we exist to change the world - and there's no getting around the fact that living on the surface of being present isn't going to serve to create the change we all desire.

Though we all as Spiritual Entrepreneurs know that we existed long before we became beings of flesh, we are also aware that there is a divine purpose to us being present on a physical level. It is much the same with social media. You and your ideas have always existed in their divine purpose, but now it's time for you to become physically present in the online social communities where you can really make a difference and live your purpose more fully. There are four main forums where you should establish your initial presence with social media.

FaceBook - Your focus here is mostly on direct engagement

Twitter - Your focus here is engagement & informational

LinkedIn - Your focus here is professional & Business 2 Business

YouTube - Your focus here is video marketing & promotions

In addition to these four forums, you will also want to establish a presence for yourself via a website as well as a blog if you haven't already done so.

Now that you know where you need to be - go out and establish yourself on the forums listed above. Create your accounts (They're all free). Spend some time setting up your profiles, biography & privacy settings making sure to keep in mind what the main focus of each site is. Let everyone know where they can find you. Always remember, social media is the same as life, in that you cannot help others if you are not completely aware of how to take care of yourself - so make sure you have a plan & then get started living more physically into your divine purpose!

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