Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sarah Palin Takes on the Media (Lets Find the Hypocritical Statements)

Actually she has a few good points for those of you out there who would immediately assume she has nothing worthwhile to say. In the beginning of this video for instance she speaks about bloggers asking when they became the source for what people believed regarding the truth. She also makes a good point when speaking of how when Obama mentioned that family was off limits apparently his supporters didn't respect his point of view too much or they would have left hers alone. These are points I can definitely agree with her on.

On the other hand, when speaking of bloggers she talks about lies asking "what is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst in terms of gossip/lies?" But wait... wasn't she one of the ones spreading those lies about her opponents during the campaign? This is the same woman who told everyone over and over again that she said "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere which was a lie or for those of you defending her a twisted truth; she told us all about her plane that she sold on eBay when she only put it on eBay but didn't sell it; she lied about taking a voluntary paycut as mayor but her salary actually increased; She said she wasn't going to judge people who believe that gay people are born that way etc. etc. yet she is a member of a church with a "pray the gay away" program; She said that her state produced 20% of this country's domestic supply of energy and/or of oil and gas which is a lie; she said she increased funding for students with special needs but the truth is she reduced that funding by decreasing the Special Olympics budget; she says she championed earmark reform to stop Congress from wasting money but if that is true then there would be an extra 2 million dollars for her state after she denied the funding for a study on the mating habits of crabs which didn't happen; Let's not go into her twisting of the facts even after the findings relating to her attempted witch hunt firing of her ex brother in law. In addition to her own lies her campaign people told a few of their own like the one about her going to Iraq and she didn't; they talked about the teleprompter breaking at the Republican Convention when neutral witnesses said it didn't. The list goes on and on with her lies as they began to morph from just lies about herself into lies about Obama.

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