Sunday, May 18, 2008

Does Integrity Really Pay?

So today I was reading an article in Free Money Finance about how Integrity Pays and I wondered if this was really true. As an employee for many different companies I have experienced quite a long list of events that most would qualify as immoral on the part of the employers of said companies. I tend to wonder though when hearing how profitable those companies are and have been if integrity in business is a positive thing or not. I have come to the point where I wonder if integrity is one of those things "THEY" teach the country of propaganda controlled American conformist puppets. Think about it. Religion teaches you to have a particular set of morals, to work hard, to help out your neighbor, to always tell the truth etc. etc. and all the while religion is making the most money compared to anyone in the world. Does it make you wonder if religion is some money maker's way of keeping us all in line? At school your whole life you learn to be one of the cogs fitting into the big wheel that runs your country, while the most successful and wealthy people didn't even bother to finish school. Do you wonder if school is just a little factory that teaches us how to be little stepford factory worker types following routines so that we can make more money for "the man" while we struggle to make ends meet and can't even afford to save for our own retirement, pay for our children's college, or health insurance. The government teaches us all day long that we should be good little citizens and follow the law while they jump in and out of other countries breaking their own rules, while our president uses a national tragedy to give himself and his vice president unlimited power. Does it make you wonder if following the rules is just another phrase that means you are falling into line with just what "THEY" want you to do so that "THEY" can be the ones who control 90% or more of the country's wealth and 90% of the country's population at the same time. I just wonder if we are all conformist puppets who believe that following rules and routines will make us as successful as the small few that we see doing just that like Hobby Lobby and Chic-fil-A or if that is really true and with Honor, Courage and Commitment to a specific routine, spiritual practice and ritual a person can faithfully rise to the top. Someone answer this one for me cause you know my conspiracy theorist, pessimistic ass won't be looking at this one without bias.

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