Whoopity Dooopity Dooo Republicans Elect (African American) Michael Steele as G.O.P. Chair
Though I am currently on a "cup half full" kick after much spiritual seeking I am going to go with the "cup half empty" point of view. Before I did this I had to consider my spiritual points of view first to make sure that I wasn't just being negative due to conditioning from my past and here is what I have deduced: "The body politic does not yet have the container of love, compassion, health and sanity to "metabolize" ... political toxins that have accumulated over centuries. Those of us who can simultaneously hold "the awful truth" and the "awesome opportunity" are the leaders of this new spiritual evolution that will help heal the past and design the future." Basically, that means while you are holding your half full cup don't be in denial pretending the empty portion does not exist and is not a factor. Those of us who are willing to both hold the reality/truth of a situation while at the same time being positive and working to make the situation better are the ones who will really make a change.
So here is the situation - signaling a desire to put a new face on an embattled party Michael Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland, was elected the chairman of the Republican National Committee. What those of us who have fought for true freedom through the constant victimization at the hands of Republicans across America are thinking is that this "face" is just a mask. You can dress up a wolf in sheep's clothing but the fact is he is still a wolf. Other than this what has the Republican party really changed? Consider those in various power positions within the party for a moment. Steele beat out Katon Dawson, the very well liked and respected South Carolina Republican Chairman who had to be prompted by concerns raised by other Republicans to withdraw from the ALL WHITE country club he belonged to. THIS IS 2009 PEOPLE!!!!!! Why in the hell should anything ALL WHITE exist in this country at all? Your Answer: Because the first thing that existed at the founding of our country that was truly ALL WHITE is the asinine concept of ALL WHITE in the first place. This guy was elected to Chair a committee whose devotees almost all believe that African Americans are the reason for most of this country's problems. How do I know this? Feel free to come with me in July to my family reunion and you will quickly figure it out.
What we have to wonder about is whether or not the Republicans will change much other than their face:
While on their left hand Republicans across America feign patriotism and tell Democrats who are against the war that freedom isn't free -they are simultaneously using their right hand to prevent freedom of choice for women who would choose abortion while fighting about the value of human life. Will this new face have them changing their views on abortion or war?
In the most recent campaign it is easy enough to go onto YouTube and watch Sarah Palin videos to see that in psychological terms Palin's campaign activated that part of the psyche in people that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence, selfishness, and suspicion of “the other.” Will we see Republicans addressing truth and intelligence in the next election as opposed to stoking the embers of fear in order to win their race?
In the next major campaign who will the Republicans choose as their candidate? Someone like Palin who has a complete ignorance of world affairs repudiating the need to repair America's image abroad; who uses the term "family values" as a code for walling out anybody who makes a claim for social justice by dubbing them as outside the family and not needed; who has rigid stances on guns and abortion as a scornful repudiation that these issues can be negotiated with people who disagree; who uses patriotism as the standard Republican fall back to a failed war; who uses the word "reform" not as a term to define the cleaning out of corruption and excessive spending but instead as an excuse for throwing out anyone who doesn't fit her ideology ---- or will the Republicans finally remove themselves from the overall message of the reactionary right, which has been in play since 1980, that social justice is liberal-radical, that minorities and immigrants, being different from “us” pure American types, can be ignored, that progressivism takes too much effort and globalism is a foreign threat?
The list goes on and on with things like these small things and things much larger such as voting fraud and war crimes. I ask whoever is reading this to please not be in denial about what these guys are all about just because they changed their face and please don't distrust them and believe them to be incapable of change either. It is our jobs to recognize and face the truth about things and to in turn educate ourselves and others about the solutions in order to make positive change. It is time to quite whining about the negative when we aren't working for the positive.
Michael Steele truth RNC freedom Katon Dawson African American Sarah Palin spiritual
Labels: African American, freedom, Katon Dawson, Michael Steele, RNC, Sarah Palin, spiritual, truth