Thursday, December 13, 2007

UPS Is Doing Their Part To Save The World!!

Kudos to UPS who has been doing its part recently to save the world. Apparently the mathmaticians who you see in television shows like "Numbers" really do exist and big giant companies like UPS hire them. What UPS has discovered is that sitting around waiting to cross traffic and make a left hand turn is not only annoying it is a waste of time, fuel and money. UPS has implemented a "package flow" software program which has basically recalculated the routes that those big square brown trucks. The program has shaved 38.5 million miles off the delivery routes resulting in about 3 million gallons of gas and has reduced CO2 emissions by 31,000 tons. So for those of you who care about the Global Warming fiasco and saving the Earth feel free to send UPS a thank you letter for not only doing their part to save the environment but also for getting the hell out of the left hand lanes so they aren't clogging it up for you.

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