Friday, November 23, 2007

Another Idiot Police Officer or A Case of "Dumb and Dumber"?

This is a video of a man being tased in front of his wife and child.

The man was apparently speeding and when pulled over he questioned the officer. This is mistake number one on the alleged speeder's part. Everyone should know the simple logic of the fact that you don't argue the law on the side of the road with the police, you argue it in court. The officer should be a bit more logical as well and give an explanation to the ticket (which this officer did). So far we have the score of Officer-1/Tased Guy-0.
When the man questions his ticket the officer tolerates his questioning of this and then goes to the Police vehicle to write the ticket. Upon his return to the alleged speeder's vehicle he hands the man the ticket, explains that it is a ticket for speeding and asks the man to sign the ticket. This is mistake number one on the officer's part. Everyone knows that when the officer tells you to sign the ticket he is also supposed to tell you that by signing you are not admitting to guilt just that you were there and received the ticket. Because of the officer's mistake I will remove a point. So far we have the score of Officer-0/Tased Guy-0.
After being asked to sign the ticket the man refused. This is another mistake on the part of the "alleged speeder". We all as citizens of this country know that by signing a ticket we are not admitting to guilt whether the officer explains it or not. If we don't then it means we are a stupid shut in without access to the television or Internet. I will have to remove a point from the Tased Guy for this omission of logic. I will remove a point from the tased man. So far we have the score of Officer-0/Tased Guy-negative 1.
After the man refusing to sign the ticket the officer instructs the man to get out of the vehicle and the man proceeds to follow this instruction. This is another mistake on the part of the officer. Any police officer knows the basic logic of telling the individual the explanation of why signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt but that if you don't sign it you will be arrested and taken to jail immediately. This little bit of fact is usually enough to convince the individual throwing his little tantrum that he should shut up and do as he is told. So I will have to remove another point from the officer's score. So far we have the score of Officer-negative 1/Tased Guy-negative 1.
Now when the man gets out of the vehicle he begins to continue arguing with the police officer and attempts to walk to the point of the alleged offense so he can go through his logical explanation of the situation as if he is in court giving evidence. This is another mistake on the part of the alleged speeder. We all know that if an officer asks you to get out of your vehicle he is going to be doing or saying something that you will need to pay attention to and place your 100% focus on. This man was apparently still under the assumption that the officer was much like his mother and likely his wife are and will entertain your antics to prove you are the one who is always right. We all know that the side of the road is not the time to argue the law. So now we have to remove another point from the Tased Guy for yet another mistake. So now we have a score of Officer-negative 1/Tased Guy-negative 2.
Now when the man blabs along ignoring the police officer as if he is the one in charge the officer instructs the man to turn around and place his hands behind his back. The man continues arguing his case as if he is in court or in a movie or something and refuses to follow the instructions of the officer. This is another mistake on the part of the tased guy. We all know that when a police officer asks you to put your hands behind your back you do it. If you are in front of your family and a white heterosexual male we know that the officer is not likely going to arrest your whole family, kill your whole family to cover up his mistakes, or to beat you senseless in front of them. This is yet another mistake on the part of the tased guy so I will remove a point. So now we have a score of Officer-negative 1/Tased Guy-negative 3.
Now at the same time that we should understand the mistakes of this man we should also review the mistakes of the officer in the situation. Should he be such an emotional ass using his gun much like the Tased Guy was using his mouth and his tantrum and just try to run the situation for the purpose of ego or principal? No he should not. It does not take a genius to know that this man is with his family on a trip and is likely not dangerous (other than that he is teaching his children that throwing fits is a good way to get what you want). It is logical that once you get the man out of his car you can tell him in a stearn voice to be quiet while you explain to him the part you conveniently left out about the admission of guilt stuff and the arrest for not signing stuff. The officer has made yet another mistake by attempting to arrest the guy because of his ego without giving complete information. For this mistake I will take away 2 points from the officer. So we now have a score of Officer-negative 3/Tased Guy-negative 3. Obviously neither of these men is adept at simple logic or professional behavior not controlled by emotion. We have found no one to be proud of or supportive of at this point.
Now when the man refuses to turn around with his hands behind his back the officer pulls a weapon out aiming it at the individual telling him to follow the instruction. The officer is making yet another mistake. With the already understood logic that this man is dangerous to no one other than himself and his family emotionally the officer should know that he would logically be able to grab the man's arm, twist it behind his back, gram the other one and cuff them together slam him on the hood of the car and tell him to shut up while the situation is explained. So for this mistake we will remove 3 points because it involves threat with a weapon. So now we have a score of Officer-negative 6/Tased Guy negative 3.
At the same time we are faulting the officer we must give due fault to the Tased Guy because he has a weapon aimed at him by an officer of the law and his stupid ass is still arguing. Any logical human being regardless of their knowledge of the law should know to follow the orders as opposed to risking the results of the weapon being used on you instead of simply the threat of use. For this act of stupidity I must give the man negative 3 points for his ignorance and his risk of causing his family to endure more trauma than already has been endured. So we now have score of Officer-negative 6/Tased Guy negative 6. Two stupid men who have been given the privilege of having the power of breeding, having influential jobs, and having use of dangerous toys/equipment. What is this world coming to?
Here is where the story gets good. When man refuses to obey the instructions of the officer, the officer does the next logical thing when considering the previous happenings of the situation and fires his taser gun at the individual. Now we have to fault the officer for this one because he got himself into a stupid situation where he was forced to use his weapon because he had not allowed a positive outcome to the situation due to his ego getting in the way causing him to have to make a point. I will remove 4 points for this because of the use of a weapon when it could have been avoided. So now we have a score of Officer-negative 10/Tased Guy-negative 6.
In this same instance the officer has made yet another mistake by using his weapon where it was not necessary therefore making his point mean nothing because of the use of undue/inappropriate force. For this I will remove 5 points from the officer. So now we have a score of Officer-negative 15/Tased Guy-negative 6.
The officer proceeds to place the man in the vehicle when the man asks why is he being arrested and placed in the vehicle over and over again. The man whoops and hollers asking to please be read his rights and told what he is being arrested for. The police officer refuses to do this and places him in the vehicle. The police officer will have another point removed for being too busy impressing his fellow officer and talking to the tased guy's wife to read the guy his rights and tell him what he is being arrested for. So now we have a score of Officer-negative 16/Tased Guy-negative 6.
BONUS ROUND: We will take another point from the officer for going to talk to the wife on the passenger side of the vehicle without the tased guy in the police vehicle or backup present. If the officer truly believed his use of force necessary and the man to be worthy of arresting he would not have endangered himself in this manner. This therefore proves the officer knew better and was simply trying to prove who had the most power and who was the most right. Instead he proved himself a dumb ass and has an investigation on his record which wastes the taxpayer's money and the department's time just to serve not the community but the egos of these two little boys in the bodies of men. For this we will remove one more point from the officer for making a dumb ass of himself, blowing something simple out of proportion, using undue force, traumatizing a small child and wife and turning them against the police force, wasting tax dollars ...... the list goes on. The final score Officer-negative 17/Tased Guy-negative 6. Congratulations your verdict is "Dumb and Dumber" As council for the betterment of the nation I am asking the judge to Please remove breeding and jobs involving power and the use of dangerous and/or heavy/expensive equipment from both of these individuals list of rights/privileges.

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