Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Americans Cover Up Gang Rape Of Woman In Iraq

Check out this story from ABC News about a woman who was working in Iraq and was gang raped both vaginally and anally by her coworkers in Baghdad. The woman was drugged, raped and injured, then when she reported the rape her employers notified her that if she tried to seek medical help outside of the camp where she was housed she could plan on never having a job again in Houston or Iraq. Army personnel did a rape kit on her and turned it over to KBR/Haliburton representatives where it promptly disappeared. When this process was over the company she worked for placed her in a shipping container where there was a bed and left her for at least a 24hour period where she could not escape due to being under armed guard. She eventually convinced one of her guards to let her use his cell phone and she went into the container and called her father explaining to him that she had been brutally gang raped and was now being held captive by her employer. Her father called his congressman and immediately after that the congressman made it clear of the importance of rescueing an American citizen from her American employer. Agents from the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad were then quickly dispatched to the camp where she was at and she was released from the container. Now, however bad it is and however much Kharma it would bring on - I am definitely a person who believes that there is a place for revenge. I myself have a personal quote: "Revenge is for those of us who don't have the patience to wait for Kharma." I am a big fan of the movie "A Time To Kill" and I am one of those people who when it comes down to the choice between "fight or flight" I am all about the fight. It is an instinctive reaction that comes from deep within me to kill or be killed and I have always reacted to threats on my life, my family/friends lives, and mine/family/freinds physical and financial well being in a way that insures those who threatened our well being do not recover. So call me names, curse me out, do whatever you feel but the men who did this and all who allowed it to be covered up should pay physically in the same manner as this woman has paid if they are found guilty. Go ahead and quote Ghandi and tell me that "An eye for an eye leaves two people blind" and in the mean time I will be learning and brail. The fact of the matter is that I don't see how Haliburton/KBR wouldn't be found guilty. The woman can prove she was raped without having a rape kit, she can prove that regardless if she was raped or not she was wrongfully imprisoned by her own employer and in need of rescueing, and there is proof that her rape kit was done which means that if it is gone there is an obvious reason as to why. With Haliburton and KBR being all over the news for their blatant overspending and wastefullness of supplies - their clear overpayment of all those who work for them, and now the company sanctioned gang rape and cover up I believe that the company should be jerked the hell out of Iraq and their contract lost to the next lowest bidder. Of course, as long as old Georgie is in charge that will never happen. So I suppose all I can do at this point is go to sleep and like little kids every where dream of marshmallows dancing in my head. Of course, my marshmallows are being roasted on the dead carcass of those who would perpetrate violence against someone for their own benefit as opposed to an eye for an eye type payback. I suppose I would reverse this point of view if it was proven that this woman drugged, raped and imprisoned someone before it was done to her.

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