Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Teacher Jailed and Eventually Released in Sudan For Allowing Her Students to Name a Teddy Bear Muhammad

A teacher in a Sudanese school was jailed at the end of November. The teacher was from the UK and was jailed not for killing a child, abusing a child, molesting a child, theft or anything so major. She allowed the children in her class to name a Teddy Bear after someone they had grown to love on a spiritual and personal level in stories of the man who after much trial and tribulation received a message of God's word from an angel and preached the message in Mecca in turn going through more trials and tribulations but eventually being the man who was responsible for the beginnings of Islam. What better way to honor this man - this prophet than to name a character after him? If this wasn't the intent of the children in naming their Teddy Bear after this great prophet then what was their intent? The other option is that they were naming the Bear after some friend or family member with the same name as the prophet. There are many many men across the world with this name and many of them worthy of much love and respect so perhaps this was the reason for the name. Interesting that with the intent of honor it would be against what is accepted by a group of people to honor a prophet by naming something after that prophet. Isn't that what they have been doing since at least the year 632? The name literally means "Praiseworthy" so what is it that makes these babies worthy of praise who are named after a great prophet? Many of the babies named after such a praiseworthy human being grow up to be nothing close to praiseworthy. Some of these men have grown up thinking that women are to be submissive as if they are livestock used for nothing more than the purpose of completing a particular work to meet the needs of men. As if she is property because without equality that is all you can be is someone elses puppet as opposed to a completely contributing individual in your family and society. Many of the men named after this great prophet have created laws which prevent women from associating with men they do not know so that when they are attacked and brutally raped they are treated as criminals instead of victims of a brutal crime. The men (some of them named Muhammad) are given minimal punishment for their rape while the women are punished by being jailed, shunned and in some cases put to death. What would we do if men got raped so brutally I wonder in this society? This society where men named Muhammad can be named after a great prophet and not live up to the name or even come close. All of these attrocities happen on a daily basis and people are up in arms protesting and jailing people for naming a Teddy Bear after a great prophet. Where is the logic in this? If it is offensive to name a Bear Muhammad then it should be offensive to name a man the same unless he has earned the title through great works in his society. Without having gone through similar trials and tribulations, without having traveled and been educated similarly and received similar messages from God how is anyone or anything to be worthy of the name? I say to the people who are opposed to the honor of anyone naming anything after a greatly respected and loved prophet "BE CONSISTENT IN THIS RULE - DON'T ALLOW ANYONE TO BE AWARDED THIS NAME UNTIL THEY HAVE EARNED IT - OR TAKE IT AWAY AND SHUN THEM AS IF THEY HAVE BROKEN A LAW WHEN THEY DON'T LIVE UP TO IT - IF IT IS A NAME WORTHY OF HONOR AND PRAISE THEN WHY NOT TREAT IT THAT WAY AND STOP GIVING THE NAME TO MEN NOT SO WORTHY OF SUCH PRAISE AS THE HONOR OF CARRYING THE NAME OF A PROPHET."

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