Friday, July 27, 2007

Fox Attacks the Blog World Like the Cry Babies They Are

Look at this video. These goofballs at Fox are just that "goofballs". They are mad because people actually have a voice now that they aren't controlling and that other people are listening to the voices and getting one of their own. Get over it! People other than those with big giant bank accounts and those who work for the people who have the big giant accounts have a voice too. I think it is hilarious that these people don't know what to do when they have to taste their own medicine. Bill O'Reilly talking about bullies is laughable. He is one of the biggest bullies I've seen. It is one thing to have an opinion and a television show, and a whole other thing to be rude and bully people to the point where you emasculate them and remove their voice. Now old billy boy is crying about people doing the same thing to him. He needs to get a life and realize that his point of view and voice are not the only one that counts and that if people are looking at the blogosphere there must be a reason. Poor little mr. bill and the big fox seem to have a problem with diversity the way I see it. I don't necessarily like the KKK or any sort of extremist either, but in this country we are allowed to have a voice and unfortunately for Fox and all the masses who follow the sound of their pied piper propaganda flute out of town our voices are being heard around the world and our voices are rocking the world. I say to Fox and the gang if you don't like this country then get the hell out because we are all a part of it and you can't hide in your kazillion dollar homes throwing stones any more. And to Bill O'Reilly I say "Waaaaaa" don't cry little man it will all turn out ok in the end when free diversity rules the world and homos, and brown people are allowed to roam free.

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