Sunday, December 10, 2006

Religion For A Captive Audience, Paid For By Taxes

Ok this is the reason that I think everyone who is not 100% represented by the taxes they pay should go out and seek reimbursement for that which we don't have access to. If you aren't a Christian but your taxes paid for something which involves Christianity then go out and find yourself a church that will give you something. Go to a church that takes part in the Angel Food Network for instance. You can go to that church and sign up to pay a small fee somewhere around $25 and then you get huge amounts of free food. Fill your refridgerator and freezer once a month with free food paid for by those who receive your money in the first place. Take your money back. Wouldn't you do that if you made an investment and it wasn't as successful as you had hoped? You would stop investing in that thing if it was a failure so you should do the same for your tax money which has failed you. Seek out all that you can and take it back for yourself. If you pay taxes for things which support heterosexuals but you aren't a heterosexuals then take it back by going to find some place supported by government money and taking advantage of whatever the place offers whether you need it or not. Frankly, I'm sick of paying for spousal benefits for police officer, Firemen and Military people who are married when I don't get any of those benefits for my own spouse. I fought for my country but I don't get the same money as others do for their duties. Don't let pride stand in the way of you getting free food or any other free stuff. Why? Because it's not free stuff it is yours that you have already paid for. If you don't need it then donate the food and stuff to some organization that will help people like you. Chris Kids for instance is just one organizations which helps gay and other youth who risk being homeless because of their families abandoning them. Youth Pride also helps gay youth. Donate whatever you get back to an organization which supports your religion. Are you Pagan or Wiccan then give money to Spiral Scouts so that other little Pagans and Wiccans can grow up with the same money that the government gives to Christianity. Take back that which is yours. I don't need free food either I have plenty of money with which to buy my own at the regular price but if I paid for it I'm taking it and not leaving it in the store and just walking out. I'm going to the Angel Food Network and getting my food. I don't eat beef and all sorts of other foods. Who cares? If the Angel Food Network gives those things to me what is to stop me from cooking up a big beef steak for the homeless guy down the street who happens to be just like me minus the shelter and clothes. Anyway you get my point now hurry up and go take it back. Add one word to the "Pay it Forward" Movement so that it becomes "Pay It Forward Equally".

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