Sunday, December 31, 2006

Scientists Have Reversed Homosexuality in Sheep

Ok for those of you who are not like me and did not grow up in a farming community about 1 in 10 (10%) rams (male sheep) has the urge to mount other rams as opposed to ewes (female sheep). In the farming world this is bad because you make less money with these sheep who won't actually reproduce. The more animals you have in your herd that reproduce the more you can sell the more money you make and so on. Because of this study farmers everywhere can make more money and because of this study homosexuals are outraged. They are protesting the sheep's right to be gay if it wants. I am in the middle of this little science experiment because I am gay and from a family of farmers. Here is my point of view. The day a sheep can choose whether or not it wants to be gay is when it meets the following requirements: 1-it becomes human; 2-it pays the bills; 3-it votes etc. You get the point. Sheep aren't human people get over it. They don't have the choices that we do because they can't make decisions. If anything, this study is good it shows that an animal without the brain power to make choices naturally likes the same sex. The place you need to put your protest is when they start trying to allow this type of hormone treatment to be done on humans before those humans are adults and can make their own choices. Do not think that the farming industry (one of the biggest in this country) will be tolerant toward saving gay sheep at the expense of their already small pocket books. Please people try to keep your animal rights protests to physical cruelty issues and let farmers make their money until a sheep walks up to you and tells you it pays taxes and deserves some rights, And in the mean time keep up the good work fighting for Human Gay Rights and Equality.

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Blogger Jim Newman said...

PETA’s big lie:

Just so you know. The false suggestion that the research is aimed at curing homosexuality was made by PETA. Yes, the animal rights group.

Of course PETA has their own motives for receiving press on this story. In fact, PETA heavily edited quotes by the researchers and even fabricated information to generate press coverage. Many weeks ago, a writer in the states looked into PETA false claims. Here’s what he found:

2:48 PM  

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