Sunday, March 23, 2008

Barack Obama and Project Vote

An effort to register over 100,000 new voters. Obama after getting out of school when he could have done much more (for himself) with his Harvard education spent time in Chicago getting voters registered and to the polls. He didn't do this with all sorts of fanfare or for a bunch of money. He did it because he believed in it. He continued further beyond just getting people to register to vote he helped call people and motivate them to actually come out and vote. He is ready to bring the message and do the work. I think it is important to remember that Barack is not all talk. He is more than a great orator as some people claim. He is the guy who has privilege and an interesting balance of not having it. He participated in his life in grass roots efforts to help people in this world. These are the things that I hear people who don't support him complain about. They complain about him not having any experience and him being all talk. I don't believe that at all. I think that the unique experience that he has over other politicians is that experience of living in both worlds. Most politicians live in a world of privilege and have their entire lives. Barack is not different accept that he has also lived in a world outside of privilege. He has taken his privilege and tossed it out the window until bed time so that he could go into the projects and be on the same level as the people. What is the benefit to that? The benefit is that he is able to see things from the point of view of the people instead of simply a politician. He speaks from the point of view of the people and that is what we like about him. We know he hears our voice because he has come to our neighborhoods when it wasn't a direct political or financial benefit and he hung out with us and told us how much he cared and that he believed we deserved to be heard. He is still saying it today and those I've spoken to who don't support him can only seem to come up with arguments that he is all talk or that they don't connect with what he says. Odd that the same things he says are things I've heard the people who claim a disconnect say when we are simply sitting around drinking coffee and talking without the benefit of an election coming up. Now all of a sudden when it is black against white and boys against girls they can't seem to see past the colors and genders to actually listen to the fact that he believes in the same things they do and the difference between he and Hillary is that he has been seen in the neighborhoods working when it wasn't benefitting him immediately or directly in that moment. Hillary shows up for sound bites and photo ops ever since I've known about her. Where are the videos on You Tube of her hanging in the hood without the media on a day when there was no election for her or someone related to her?

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